I had an email from a parent who had asked me to recommend a book for a first-ever whole family read for over the holidays. Her daughter, in 5th grade, would be the youngest of the group. After some discussion, they all agreed to read The Hobbit. Let me share this mother's thoughts on the experience (I've made a name change for privacy):
" I think having 3 or 4 generations definitely enriched the discussion. My parents, age 76, NEVER read fantasy, but were surprised how much they enjoyed the book, so much so that my mother is now planning on reading the rest of The Lord of the Rings trilogy. Barbara's uncle (age 57), contributed the interesting fact that the name Bilbo means 'sword,' which led to debate about the significance of the short sword Bilbo carries, but which isn't given much explanation in the book. Barbara's brother, Adam, is 25 and a big Tolkien fan. As he has the quietest personality of everyone there, it was a great opportunity for him to shine by sharing his insights into Tolkien and The Lord of the Rings. And, of course, it was very empowering for Barbara, the youngest [fifth grade], to lead the discussion as well as offer some pretty impressive insights of her own. The response from all the family members who participated was overwhelmingly positive, and we all agreed that it was a tradition we will continue every year."
Love it. Let me know if you have any books that have been a pleasure for two or more generations to read together.
And now, for my students who have been asking for another video, a scene from the very first movie that I ever saw -- I was about 4. Many people have sung this to me. Or called me "Marian." I smile every time.
(Click here if the embed doesn't work.)
I love the idea of the whole family read aloud. Thank you for sharing.
ReplyDelete(The video made me smile!!!)