Tuesday, October 12, 2010

We're Moving!

new library window, facing north

and empty interior-- but not for long!

I can hardly wait! The new space is going to be amazing. We start the library move on October 20, from 1:30-2:30, when we form a human chain to pass the books from the old library to the new one. It promises to be an historic event!

In the interim, a few stories:

A six year old girl brought over the picture book Captain Raptor and the Moon Mystery and asked, "Do you have season 1 of this book?" (i.e., the companion volume, Captain Raptor and the Space Pirates.)

I was reading a nonfiction book about bears with a five year old boy.
Me, reading: "Bears have wet noses to help them smell better."
Little boy: "I don't need a wet nose. I already smell good."

On a Thursday, I spoke to a five year old boy whose library books are several weeks late. He was very upset, because he couldn't get out his new book, about tigers, until he returned his old ones. I gave him a note to put in his pocket to remind him, and his parents, to look for them. He sniffed and dried his tears. The next morning, I saw him as he got dropped off at school.
Me: "Hi Mark, did you have a chance to look for your library books last night?"
Mark: "What library books?"
Me: "Remember, those ones that I wrote on the note for you?" (and thinking "The ones you were sobbing about yesterday?")
Mark. "Oh. Yeah. Well. I thought of a way you could help me."
Me: "Oh, good. Please tell me how I can help you."
Mark: "You can come over to my house after school and look for them."

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