Department of unfulfilled requests:
A five-year old girl was valiantly trying to use the computer catalog to find her book independently. I asked if I could help.
"Yes," she answered. "I want a book about Santa Claus riding a dolphin and it's snowing."
When I told her the library didn't have a book like that, she replied, "Well, I'm going to check the computer just in case."
A 6-year old girl asked for a book about Moses. I was so pleased to be able to hand her one at her age level, but she was disappointed: "I meant, a book that showed what he really looked like, not just drawings like these." Me: "You mean, a photograph?" Child: "Yeah!"
William: "What's Hanukkah?"
Me: "It's a Jewish holiday that people celebrate at this time of year."
William: "Oh yeah, now I remember. I know about it because I'm half Jewish and half American."
Overheard: A nine year old boy tells me, "I found the book Gods and Goddesses of the Ancient Maya that I've been looking for." Another boy, hearing it, replies, "Sorry man, but I only believe in one god."
Natalie, thanks for sharing these. So cute!